Palworld Server Maintenance 2/2/2024


  • Palworld Server Maintenance 2/2/2024

    Server maintenance at 4a.m GMT+8 tomorrow 2/2/2024 will implement below optimization for the server to reduce lag and rubber-banding that have been experienced by most player, here is what we will do to the server engine :

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Palworld-Repairing-Repair-Bench.webp Views:	0 Size:	88.7 KB ID:	73

    ; Online Subsystem Utils Configuration
    ; Adjusting tick rates for LAN and Internet servers to enhance the frequency of game state updates,
    ; leading to smoother gameplay and less desynchronization between server and clients.
    LanServerMaxTickRate=120 ; Sets maximum ticks per second for LAN servers, higher rates result in smoother gameplay.
    NetServerMaxTickRate=120 ; Sets maximum ticks per second for Internet servers, similarly ensuring smoother online gameplay.
    ; Player Configuration
    ; These settings are crucial for optimizing the network bandwidth allocation per player,
    ; allowing for more data to be sent and received without bottlenecking.
    ConfiguredInternetSpeed=104857600 ; Sets the assumed player internet speed in bytes per second. High value reduces chances of bandwidth throttling.
    ConfiguredLanSpeed=104857600 ; Sets the LAN speed, ensuring LAN players can utilize maximum network capacity.
    ; Socket Subsystem Epic Configuration
    ; Tailoring the max client rate for both local and internet clients, this optimizes data transfer rates,
    ; ensuring that the server can handle high volumes of data without causing lag.
    MaxClientRate=104857600 ; Maximum data transfer rate per client for all connections, set to a high value to prevent data capping.
    MaxInternetClientRate=104857600 ; Specifically targets internet clients, allowing for high-volume data transfer without restrictions.
    ; Engine Configuration
    ; These settings manage how the game's frame rate is handled, which can impact how smoothly the game runs.
    ; Smoother frame rates can lead to a better synchronization between client and server.
    bSmoothFrameRate=true ; Enables the game engine to smooth out frame rate fluctuations for a more consistent visual experience.
    bUseFixedFrameRate=false ; Disables the use of a fixed frame rate, allowing the game to dynamically adjust frame rate for optimal performance.
    SmoothedFrameRateRange=(LowerBound=(Type=Inclusive ,Value=30.000000),UpperBound=(Type=Exclusive,Value =120.000000)) ; Sets a target frame rate range for smoothing.
    MinDesiredFrameRate=60.000000 ; Specifies a minimum acceptable frame rate, ensuring the game runs smoothly at least at this frame rate.
    FixedFrameRate=120.000000 ; (Not active due to bUseFixedFrameRate set to false) Placeholder for a fixed frame rate if needed.
    NetClientTicksPerSecond=120 ; Increases the update frequency for clients, enhancing responsiveness and reducing lag.

    This is experimental effort by us to give the optimum and improve gaming experience to all our players and members of the community,

    The information and the code is provide by Uengine UNetDriver::ServerReplicateActors | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation | UEngine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

    We encourage all players to give feedback on how the server respond to this modification for this information is very crucial to improve our server.​
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